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The Provinces of
Galicia & Asturias in Spain



The beautiful village of Puente Maceira was something out of a Medieval movie set. It had everything -
an arched bridge, castle, and waterfall.
  Cée was one of a string of pretty fishing villages
we drove through.
This is the view from our hotel window in Playa de Estorde. The weather was perfect, but there were only about 4 people on the beach - plus us!   They were celebrating the festival of the Hogueras de San Juan (Bonfires of St. John) in Sardiñeeiro. We watched them cook hundreds of sardines over coals that they served free with hunks of bread to everyone. Later in the evening they built up the bonfires and jumped over them to rid themselves of evil spirits for the next year.
We ordered a seafood platter and couldn't eat it all - two red necora crabs, small grey and white clams, mussels, langostinos, percebes (the things that look like turtle feet) and long razor clams - all caught that morning.   In Viviero, we met Angel, the owner of Regal Cerámicas. He personally gave us a tour of his
factory /workshop/ museum.
He said he employees over 1,000 people.


Asturias, on the northern coast of Spain,
has remained isolated because it is surrounded by the tallest mountains in Spain - the Picos de Europa.
Some things haven't changed in centuries.
  In Pancar, we once again stumbled onto a village celebrating a festival. The bagpipes are traditional instruments in both Asturias and Galicia.
Lacemakers in Candás.   Sidra (hard cider) is the most popular drink in Asturias. We saw everyone pouring it from the bottle held high over their head into a glass. The idea is to only pour a little to aerate it as much as possible and drink it quickly..
No picture can capture the size and beauty
of these mountains.
  We spent four days hiking the mountain trails
of the Picos de Europa.
Sometimes we were not alone!