WELCOME to paulandvickionline.com
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Who are we?

We were coaches for the Parkway South High Girls’ Golf Team, Ski/Snowboard Club sponsors, Dance Club sponsors, International Trip Coordinators and avid travelers. Vicki taught high school Spanish for 33 years and Paul worked in public safety. We have taken over 17 groups of students and adults to Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Portugal, and Morocco. Plus, we’ve had the chance to travel to most European countries and Caribbean Islands. We are now retired and plan to travel all over the world.

So, we want to share updates, pictures and insider tips on how to get the most for your travel dollar. Our site is not meant to be an all-inclusive information reference. There are plenty of websites that have detailed historical and tourist information. We want to share our opinions of the hotels, restaurants and attractions we have experienced. We use our own subjective rating of prices and quality. (These are not the Rudy Max, Samantha Brown or Arthur Frommer recommendations for people making big bucks.) We try to look for clean, family run places that offer lodging and food that is typical of that locale at reasonable prices.

Please give us your reactions and help update our information, if your encounters don’t match ours. We want to find the best deals, too!

Thanks for sharing our experiences,

Paul & Vicki